Hail Damage on Metal Roofs: Is It a Concern?

A view from below of metal building professionals on a metal roof

If you are interested in a metal structure, your first worry is likely its durability and longevity. While metal buildings hold up capably against wind and rain, hail damage on metal roofs can be a serious concern. When you choose a metal building from Newmart Builders, you choose a building that will hold up through the years and can stand up against harsh weather time and time again.

Hail damage is one of the few storm effects that can affect a metal roof and, after repeated damage, even cause leaks or penetration. But with a little bit of knowledge and an experienced metal roof manufacturer on your side, you can stay ahead of this rare issue and keep your building in pristine condition!

Signs of Hail Damage On Metal Roofs

You might think a metal roof is unbreakable, but Mother Nature can cut through anything in time. While a steel roof is far more durable than traditional shingles, hail and storm damage can have visible effects on the roofing surface. You should be prepared to call for repairs before your roof fails completely and allow rain and moisture to damage your property. The two most important signs of hail damage on metal roofs are:


Dents and dings are largely cosmetic but can be the precursors to more critical roofing failures. Over time, dents and deformities can bend to the point of breaking, so if you notice your roof is covered in unsightly pock-marks, call a roofing professional who can diagnose if it’s time to inspect your roofing.


Roof punctures are the ultimate result of dents and dings, in which water can penetrate through to the inside of your metal building. A single hail storm doesn’t often cause this level of damage, but over time, multiple rounds of hailstorm damage can cause holes and punctures in your metal roof.

These signs of hail damage might not be obvious from the ground, but climbing on top of your roof can be dangerous. Don’t risk your health by doing a quick metal roof maintenance check – call a professional to examine it more closely.

Factors that Affect Hail Damage

A close view of a corrugated metal roof from below

If you are concerned about your roof’s well-being over the years, you can consider a few major factors that will affect the amount of hail damage your metal roof experiences.

  • Hail Size: Hail size is the primary factor in how much damage your roof may experience. Small, pea-sized hail will likely bounce harmlessly off your metal roof, but larger pieces can carry much force during a heavy storm.
  • Metal Thickness: The thickness of your metal roofing will also be a factor in the hail damage you face. Lower gauge roofing is thicker and, therefore, more durable and resistant to impact, while higher gauge roofing is thinner and more likely to face dents and punctures.
  • Roof Slope: Because hail typically falls fairly straight downwards if your roof is low-slope (Sometimes called a ‘flat roof’), the hail will impart more force directly into the face of the roof. A high-angle roof will deflect the hail and avoid harsher damage.
  • Roof Ribbing: Ribs and textures for metal roofing are designed to reinforce and support the structure of your roof, protecting it from hail damage. If you’ve ever wondered why metal roofing is created with ribs, waves, or other textures, you have your answer!

These are the factors that a roofing and construction professional will examine when faced with the prospect of your roofing damage and when evaluating your risks.

Steps to Take to Repair Hail Damage

When you’re worried about dents and punctures on your metal roof, you should contact a professional roofer experienced in repairing, replacing, and installing metal roofing panels. With a professional at your service, you’ll be able to receive the services needed to refresh and renew your property.

Inspection and Maintenance

Regular roof inspection and maintenance will keep your roofer aware of any damages developing and provide more knowledge about when it’s time to move to the next steps.

Temporary Repairs

When damage occurs, and there are leaks or holes from punctures, your roofer might use rubber cement or another sealant to keep you covered until they can determine the extent of the damage.

Inspect Damage

Roofers will often take the time to inspect the entirety of your roof to determine if the damage is localized or widespread and advise on small repair or total replacement.

Replace Panels

Whether localized or widespread, your damaged roof panels will be replaced with fresh ones, and the old panels will be taken away for recycling or other use.

Seal and Coat

Sealing and coating your metal roof will provide an additional layer of protection and aesthetic, which will help protect your roof from UV radiation and water that can lead to damage later on.

Roofing Insurance Claims for Hail Damage

You should contact your insurance as soon as possible when hail damage has occurred. Once your insurance is in touch with your contractor, they will evaluate the damage and adjust how much your insurance will provide to help cover your repairs.

Many insurance companies will offer you a hail damage waiver. If you sign this kind of waiver, they will not cover any damage from hail damage. The upside of signing a hail damage waiver is that your premiums will be lower. If you live in an area where hail damage is common, it may be better to accept the higher monthly costs and avoid the price of paying for metal roof repairs out of pocket. Every situation is unique, and you should consult with your insurance provider to determine what works for you when preparing for potential hail damage.

Trust in the Quality of Newmart Builder’s Metal Buildings!

Not all metal buildings hold up against hail with the same level of durability and strength. When you are using a metal structure for your vehicles, animals, or workshop, you want to know that your property will be safe from the harshest that Mother Nature brings. Newmart Builder’s high-quality metal structures are designed to last decades with minimal maintenance and repairs.

Are you ready to enhance your property with the practical building of your dreams? We have a team of professionals who can install your metal structure within a matter of days – don’t hesitate to protect your most important property. Call us today!